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Access Token Endpoint -fetch access and refresh token

This API acquires access and refresh tokens using valid credentials. Set the 'grant_type' parameter in the JSON request body as "authorization_code" for the authorization code flow or "refresh_token" for the token refresh flow.

Header Parameters
    Content-Type string

    The content type should be application/json

    Example: application/json
Request Body
    grant_type string

    Possible values: [authorization_code, refresh_token]

    Specifies the grant type for the token endpoint, either "authorization_code" or "refresh_token".

    code string
    • The authorization code token provided after the authorization request. - Include this only when grant_type is "authorization_code".
    refresh_token string
    • The refresh token provided along with the original access token. - Include this only when grant_type is "refresh_token".


    access_token String

    JWT token that can be sent to Jiomeet server to gain access to protected resources.

    refresh_token string

    JWT token that can be used to obtain a new access token from Jiomeet server. Refresh tokens are used when the current access token becomes invalid or expires.

    token_type string

    The type of token returned. In this case, it's a "Bearer" token, which means the token is used by appending it to a Bearer HTTP header.

    expires_in string

    The expiration time of the access token. It tells the application when the token will expire so it can obtain a new one.

    scope string

    Specifies the permissions that are granted to the access token. It defines the actions that can be performed with the token.
